The abstract submission deadline is July 15, 2024.

Abstract templates

Official language of the conference is English.

The final version of your abstract should not exceed one A4 size format and should preferably be written using one of the templates provided below. Do not change any formatting in the templates! Please check that: • the whole text is written in the Times New Roman font • the size of abstract body text is 12 pt • the title size is 14 pt , list of authors 12 pt, and the affiliations 10 pt • top margin size must be 50 mm, bottom, left and right margins size 25 mm

This PDF template shows how the the final printable version of you abstract should look like.
You can use MS Word template.
or RTF template to write your abstract.

Abstract submission

Once you have prepared your abstract, please, submit it to the following email:

If you have any questions or problems with the templates, please, do not hesitate to contact us.

You should use only this templates to submit your abstract. You are encouraged to submit a final PDF version of your abstract, but the source file should always be submitted as well. You can resubmit your files - the last submitted version will be used in editorial work. Mark your file name with version number like v1, v2, v3. The highest version will be used.

The PDF version of the abstract must contain only one file with a .pdf extension.

Note! You must provide the same email address as the one you use in the registration form, because of clarity of your identification.

Poster guidelines

The maximum dimensions of posters should be 90 cm in width and 120 cm in height, corresponding to the A0 paper size.

11th MECC 2024 - Book of abstract

Abstracts will be published in a special number of journal Informator.
ISSN of printed version is 1802-2480 and ISSN of internet version in *.pdf format is 1802-2499.
All conference participants obtain Book of abstracts during conference registration in Pilsen.
This special issue of journal Informator with Book of abstracts will be accessed from after the conference.